
Are you a service member looking to build a career or transform your life for the better?

70% of people say that they hate their job, and another 78% live paycheck to paycheck.

The civilian world and the job market can be a dog-eat-dog world. Maybe you have a bad boss, lack of fulfillment, you’re underpaid, no benefits, poor healthcare options, night shifts, or no job at all–the list can go on and on!

If any of this sounds like what you are going through, there is good news for you.

What if I told you that I can show you how to access your dream career, your dream life, and your dream relationships–even if you are not aware of what your dreams or passions are at this moment.

Making changes may seem hard at first because we all love our comfort zones; however, a comfort zone is also a prison because if people stayed in those comfort zones all their lives they would never change or grow.

Growth, especially mental growth, toward the best version of you will be comfortable only when you get there. Most of the journey will be uncomfortable and often painful at times, but this is how we become better. Even when we hide in our comfort zone, things still change and we are forced to make moves.

Do not let outside circumstances dictate all your moves. Your life is in your hands. You have to be willing to understand the difference between the mindset of somebody who is successful in all areas of their life and the mindset of somebody who is not. It all comes down to growth mindset skills development which ultimately comes down to the ability to be independent and self-coaching towards the best version of you. Real growth means developing the ability to do so effortlessly and subconsciously over time.

Yes, that’s exactly what I said: subconsciously. After some good results, your subconscious mind takes over automatically. It just starts happening and everything in your life ultimately falls into place. You will feel yourself become more and more fearless and passionate by pure motivation and a strong purpose to help others, yourself, or any cause you care about.

At that point, people may tell you that you work very hard but, to you, it won’t feel like hard work at all. People may notice that it seems effortless for you to find success, but you will know that you are on your life path so opportunities come to you.

My father was a military man, but he wanted me to be a priest. Five years ago I realized that the vows I made at the seminary were still active inside of my subconscious mind — more than 20 years later. In 2013, I started having extremely powerful revelations and I was still trying to understand what was happening to me two years later when I started working for the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (FRBNY).

On the morning of December 23, 2015, I went to work there with safety equipment in my carry-on luggage as I was traveling that night after work for Christmas eve, but guess what happened?

Former NY Police Commissioner Bill Bratton himself came out of nowhere yelling at me, acting like I had committed a horrible crime, and this is unfolded in my workplace, the FRBNY building, when I was going through a security checkpoint.

The commissioner brought external police forces to arrest me for the first time in my life–at work and in front of my colleagues–and then I was fired like I was some kind of a criminal.

On February 22, 2016, I faced a judge in a Manhattan Court and their accusations were so ridiculous that the judge declared them “Legally Insufficient.” I was completely exonerated, and I hadn’t even had a lawyer. Then, I fought back with multiple lawsuits against the FRBNY, Mr. Bill Bratton, and the NYPD, to expose them for trying to destroy my life for a reason they have not been able to articulate to this day.

This is where this whole program really began. This all pushed me to open my eyes and that’s how I was able to transform myself, my career, and my life.

It was painful at first but the lower version of myself that I was at that time was forced to suddenly grow into the best version of myself which I’m so happy to be today. This rapid growth opened my eyes to a Universal Truth in life and allowed me to develop a Personal Development program based on my own Mindset Skills Development System.

Five thousand years of wisdom have been brought into one program in such clarity that one of my clients recently told me “It’s like reading a thousand-page book in minutes,” this happens by just looking at diagrams and understanding things your own way.

One of the key things to remember is that only you can decide to unleash your own mind–only you can decide to reach your full potential. We can show you how to do it, but only you can make the first step.

Understanding how to become the best version of yourself is possible for anyone with self-coaching with a deep understanding of yourself and others so you know how to make things happen for you instantly.

Understanding: the kind that they don’t teach in school.

Many people don’t know how to achieve their full potential, and that’s why we created the online course “Be the Best Version of You,” to demonstrate how to access our full potential in a visual way.

Our goal, our mission, our vocation, our calling is to show you how to develop the invaluable mindset skills required for a healthy and sustained self-actualization process throughout your life, with self-coaching since after taking the program you will know how to master and use your mindset to find your your life.

The best version of yourself! This program is not something you will find anywhere else. Take the first step today and click on the link below to watch our free 45-minute webinar “How To Level Up Your Mindset Skills” and the our free 2-hour comprehensive masterclass “Grow Your Mindset Skills To Thrive.” You can watch now or register to watch later. Don’t forget a notebook: there is a lot of information in these presentations so you want to make sure you take some notes as you go.

How To Level Up Your Mindset Skills

Grow Your Mindset Skills To Thrive




Mindset Coach

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