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The FaithSMagnet Mental TAP Program“Be The Best Version of You” helps professional veterans and families leverage the superpowers of the Military Mindset to thrive in their careers and life after service with ease and confidence, and without “civilian-ing.” This program focuses on unlocking full potential to achieve excellence naturally, helping veterans like you transcend past boundaries and reach new heights in their relationships and professional career.

Gerard and I discussed so much during our one-on-one consultation. He pulled so many ideas out of me that I have forgotten about and/or have placed on my “excuses” list as to why I was unable to fulfill my passion/goals. There is nothing like being your own enemy and Gerard helped me see that. His program will further guide you into seeing your purpose past the trauma, negative talk from self/others, PTSD, and fear of failing/winning. He wants to see you win and as you win, you will begin to pour into others as well. 
Those that are struggling, you may also refer them to Gerard’s FaithSMagnet program to bring them closer to their destiny/purpose. If you don’t believe me, at least give him 45 minutes of your time by scheduling a free one-on-one consultation (virtually or phone call) to find out what his program can do for you. It is truly worth it!
Terra G. Mason 
USAF Veteran

Gerard brings a phenomenal, and simplified, approach to service members and milspouses on the so very important “Self” journey ahead of “military transition.” Don’t delay, and get on the FaithSMagnet train today!

Jarrod H. Smith
US NAVY Veteran
FaithSMagnet TAP program is one of a kind. Being a Marine Veteran of 8 years and coming back into the civilian world and just trying to find where I fit in when it comes to society was mind boggling and stressful on so many levels. Growing professionally and personally was important to me as well finding my purpose and just being the best version of myself as well having my own mental struggles from PSTD, social anxiety disorder as well adjustment order along with other things i dealt with.
Gerard’s coaching and workshops are very insightful in many ways and being able to connect with other Vets who share similar experiences and issues such as myself.
 The FaithSMagnet TAP Program was able to help me go through not just my mental blocks that i dealt with on a daily basis but also enlightened me to better understand myself and how to deal and cope on many levels as well understand my core strengths professionally and help me understand the areas of my life I really needed to work on.
The benefits I have received from the program have been very beneficial for me as a Veteran and knowing what we go through being in and then transitioning out. Is the reason why I decided to volunteer and help my fellow Vets and their families to reach their full potential as I have learned to work towards mine and find that balance in life where I am happy in my professional life and personal life.
I recommend this program to any Veteran who is seeking to be their best version of themselves and having issues getting through their own professional and personal lives.
Christian Harvey-Washingon
USMC Veteran

Are you ready to leave behind the struggles of transitioning to civilian life and finally build a fulfilling career and life you love? Join the thousands of veterans who have already transformed their lives with our Mental TAP Program.

Transitioning from military to civilian life can be overwhelming. You may be feeling:

  • Lost or unfulfilled in your current civilian career.

  • Stuck in a cycle of PTSD or mental roadblocks.

  • Unsure how to turn your skills into opportunities.

If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. Nearly 50% of veterans leave their first job after transitioning within a year, 80% within two years, and many go through multiple career paths before finding their most ideal fit. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Our program has been vetted by over 5,000 veterans, everything you need for long-term success is included. It’s designed to:

  • Dominate the Civilian World: Gain the confidence and skills to thrive in any environment.

  • Heal Invisible Wounds: Heal and turn PTSD into strengths with actionable mental transformation techniques.

  • Define Your Purpose: Discover your most ideal career path and align it with your personal goals.

Book a FREE Career Consultation below.