
Personal development will free your mind. You cannot depend on your former employer to train you.

The government doesn’t need veterans and service members to become lawyers, piano players, scientists, painters etc., so they only gear their programs toward a simple “transition” back into civilian life. this transition is actually a new beginning for most veterans, and to succeed in this “transition,” it all comes down to your mindset, and the military or the government have always failed veterans in this department.

It’s up to you as a veteran to find the personal development program that will help you build the mindset skills that will make you thrive in your life after service. The government or military mindset is usually not the best in almost any direction you may want to take in the civilian world.

It’s your future–you have to take care of it!

Lack of time, young kids at home, more urgent expenses…If you always put your personal development last, you may be missing opportunities you don’t even know exist right now.

Make your personal development a priority.

When we really need help to either develop our skills, untangle our emotions, or manage our thoughts there is little that others can do to help if we ourselves are not aware of it or if we don’t understand how to do it.


Passion is essential too because if you can’t find your passion at work, you need to find other ways to ignite your creativity or life will pull you down. Personal development feeds ALL aspects of our personality and thus our lives.


We don’t know what life holds for us. You could lose your job, desire new challenges, or need a career change. It’s your responsibility to develop your interests, your skills, and your mind to be ready to face any eventuality.


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